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Tympanic Membrane Researcher

Several years before my release I began to hear subtle audio pulses being transmitted directly
onto my tympanic membrane which I found I was able to interpret in an instant.
Initial investigations led me to discover that these audio pulses are sophisticated messages.
Deciphering these messages is now a personal obsession and a key reason for remaining on earth. 
Throughout these pages you will find details of my research to date.



May 2022 sees the Fatmod Review moving from the physical world to the virtual world.

We do so with trepidation. The Interwebisphere is a brave new land for us and we know not it customs. We've heard of a vicious band of haters who roam the wireless prairies carrying out poisonous, random attacks simply to entertain themselves. This will not stop us as our research is critical to our wellbeing - our unity and love will carry us through.


We will head out on this journey with the encouragement and best wishes of many friends, their hearty cheers ringing in our ears. We are forever thankful for their support. What we will find out here on the perimeter will either fill us with the energy of a new life or kill us but go we must.


Pray to your gods for us.




Music Fan.

Partime Wannabe.

Fat (Working On It!).

A Mod In Spirit.

There are not 5000 of me.

I have been on earth for just over 53 years.
I was cared for and raised by a politically radical Scottish couple along with three carbon based beings (two male and one female - all now fully functioning independently).
After 17 years of intense nurturing, using the "question everything / power corrupts" teaching model, I had been equipped with the skills needed to negotiate with humans on my own and I was released into the world.
Somehow, in the time between my release and now, I have acquired three "bad angels" which bring me much joy - I don't fully understand why. 
With help from The Heroic Improviser I now work undercover in local government where I am involved in organisational disruption aimed at breaking down the old ways of working.


Late News Breaking....

No 1 Bad Angel has created a new carbon based being in the shape of a Daisy. I continue to work through the strange but enjoyable emotional pull this new additional being is having on me. 



Fatmod Villas, Modsville, Earth Scene

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